Patient without Diagnosis (But with lot of Medication)

Our daughter was born in term and healthy. When she was three months old, some subtle symptoms of atopic eczema appeared. After several next months they stepped back. At the age of about year and half was our daughter treated for some grippe indication. Because the flu’s symptoms didn’t disappear not even after months, she had to undergo antibiotic treatment, for several times, but with no success. Then vomiting popped up in the night time and cough. She was relatively fine during the day, but it was turned to worse through the night. Our daughter was after half year of very bad sleeping, nightly vomiting, coughing and of course after innumerable medical examinations weak, exhausted and without life. She went through:

  - Ear, nose and throat specialist (tonsils)

  - Alergology

  - Homeopathy

  - MCUG in narcosis (kidneys)

  - X-rays of sinuses

  - Isotope and sonography of kidneys

  - Sonography of belly – reflux

  - X-rays of lungs and heart – two times

  - PH-metry of throat

  - Alergology again

  - Sonography of throat in narcosis

After all these examinations, the last suggestion from a specialist was to use for our daughter psychopharmacological drugs to keep her organism restrained. We got pills and had them at home, but it seemed to us an unacceptable choice, so we decided to look for another ways to bring to our daughter health back. We were informed from friends of ours about Mr. Hrib and his ability to heal. Firstly, we had a phone call and immediate energetic action at distance when daughter got her usual night attack of cough and vomiting. Week later we met personally. Mr. Hrib set up diagnosis without expensive instruments, without unpleasant examinations and without seeing our daughter personally (we visited him without her). He said her kidneys were weakened at about year and half of age, and it caused partial damage to liver and bile duct. All this came from virus infection. He suggested to stop taking all the pills she took including expiratory aid. To our surprise her condition didn’t get worse, on the contrary. The suggested method of cure consisted from liver diet, regular drinking regime, using of herbal teas and effecting at distance from Mr Hrib. We can say that in several days our daughter’s condition changed radically for better. A medical doctor – a specialist wasn’t able to understand how it happened. With a face of dissatisfaction he wrote to our daughter’s medical card – “without medical finding”. For us this was the last signal which way to go. Healing wasn’t quick such as in minutes, but progress was obvious and we had been shown how to help our daughter stay in healthy condition from now on.

She is six years old today, and she started to attend elementary school. She’s completely healthy, full of joy de vivre and vital. We even succeeded regarding her psychical development to make up for that two lost years spent with medical examinations, and psychopharmaceutically restrained organism. We keep regular drinking regime, proper meal, relaxation and we stay in touch with Mr. Hrib.

Thanks to him for such a quality of life she can live now. We better don’t imagine picture of our daughter’s life without his help.  

 Mr. Berkovec

 Na Vyhlídce 361

 373 63 Ševětín